Travelex Travel Insurance – The ultimate in travel protection and emergency travel assistance. This type of insurance can be used whether you’re on an organized tour or cruise, or traveling independently (in which case, only the prepaid expenses — such as your flight and any nonrefundable hotel reservations — are covered). Note the difference: Trip cancellation is when you don’t go on your trip at all. Trip interruption is when you begin a journey but have to cut it short; in this case, you’ll be reimbursed only for the portion of the trip that you didn’t complete. If you’re taking a tour, it may already come with some cancellation insurance — ask.
Travel agents recommend that you get travel insurance (because they get a commission when you buy it, and because they can be held liable for your losses if they don’t explain insurance options to you). While travel agents can give you information and advice, they are not insurance agents — always direct any specific questions to the insurance provider.
Wisatawan yang datang ke Bali untuk relaksasi atau melakukan staycation, banyak hotel atau rumah-rumah penduduk yang menyajikan pengalaman ini. Di kawasan Ubud banyak akomodasi dengan konsep menyatu dengan alam dan cocok untuk menenangkan pikiran. Kuliner seafood enak juga bisa didapatkan dengan mudah di Surabaya. Pilihan tepat untuk menyantap makanan olahan laut adalah Kepiting Cak Gundul 1992 yang berlokasi di Jalan Kupang Indah. Di sini, para pengunjung tak hanya bisa mencicipi olahan kepiting, tapi juga makanan laut lain seperti udang, cumi, ikan, ataupun kerang.
For those who travel frequently, Allianz also offers annual plans that will provide continuous coverage for international or domestic trips over the course of a year. You’ll have to go with the pricier AllTrips Executive Plan or higher to receive reliable coverage, but the annual fee is worth it. The one time costs average around a couple hundred dollars which is more convenient and far less expensive than signing up for a new travel insurance policy for each of your trips.
Bagi Anda yang ingin bepergian ke kota lain dan hanya menggunakan Bandara Adisutjipto sebagai tempat untuk transit, ada jalur kereta api yang langsung terhubung dengan area bandara. Anda bisa menggunakan kereta api Prameks, misalnya, jika ingin langsung menuju Solo. Kota yang merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata menarik ini bisa dicapai dengan 1 jam perjalanan menggunakan kereta api.