Travelex Travel Insurance – The ultimate in travel protection and emergency travel assistance. Menurut data, jumlah wisatawan yang datang ke Yogyakarta meningkat setiap tahun, baik wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara. Hal ini tidak mengherankan mengingat Yogyakarta terus berbenah dalam mengembangkan pariwisatanya. Bahkan, kini sudah banyak bermunculan objek wisata kekinian yang bukan hanya diburu kaum muda, tetapi juga wisatawan yang mengajak keluarganya.
Mengenai mata pencaharian, sekitar 28 persen penduduk Jakarta menjadi karyawan di perusahaan swasta. Jumlah wirausaha atau wiraswasta pun tidak kalah banyaknya, mencapai 27 persen. Sementara itu, 17 persen memilih profesi sebagai PNS, TNI, serta POLRI. Adapun jumlah pelajar dan mahasiswa kurang lebih 10 persen. Sementara sisanya merupakan ibu rumah tangga.
Note that some travel insurance, especially trip-cancellation coverage, is reimbursement-only: You’ll pay out-of-pocket for your expenses, then submit the paperwork to your insurer to recoup your money. With medical coverage, you may be able to arrange to have expensive hospital or doctor bills paid directly. Either way, if you have a problem, it’s wise to contact your insurance company immediately to ask them how to proceed. Many major insurance companies are accessible by phone 24 hours a day – handy if you have problems in Europe.
This is one time when the fine print actually benefits you, says Jason Steele , a credit card and travel journalist. Some cards have little-known perks, including a free Priority Pass membership that gives you access to hundreds of airport lounges around the world (read the fine print to see if you can bring … Read the rest