Voltras Agent Network adalah salah satu produk unggulan PT. Voltras Travel yang lahir sebagai solusi dari permasalahan yang ada. Almost $2 billion in travel insurance is sold each year for several what ifs: You need to cancel a trip because of illness, the death of a relative, or bad weather; your belongings are lost or stolen; your traveling companion dies; or you need emergency medical care. Premiums depend on the age of the travelers, the type of coverage, and the trip’s cost. For a standard policy you’ll pay about 5 to 7 percent of the cost of the trip, according to the Insurance Information Institute. Tour operators, cruise-line reps, and travel agents sell two-thirds of the travel policies, and they collect commission on them.
Hotel rates are constantly changing. If an event is coming to town, room rates will skyrocket since demand is at a premium. Conversely, if there are extended periods of lower vacancy (hurricane season in the Caribbean, for example), room prices plummet. Attempting to determine the value of a percentage savings from such volatile price points is, at best, an inexact science.
Keragaman etnis yang dimiliki Medan juga diiringi dengan keragaman agama dan kepercayaan yang dianut warganya. Berdasarkan sensus Kota Medan pada tahun 2015, 59.68 persen penduduk Medan memeluk agama Islam, 21.16 beragama Protestan, 9.90 persen Budha, 7.10 persen Katholik, 2.15 persen Hindu, dan 0.01 persen Konghuchu. Meski terdiri dari beragam etnis dan agama, warga Medan tetap mampu menjaga kerukunan dan perdamaian antar sesama.
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