Voltras Agent Network adalah salah satu produk unggulan PT. Voltras Travel yang lahir sebagai solusi dari permasalahan yang ada. Tidak hanya penambahan kapasitas penumpang, bandara yang memiliki kode SUB ini juga memperoleh fasilitas penunjang lebih baik. Terminal 3 dan 4 yang kabarnya akan mulai beroperasi pada tahun 2018, merupakan terminal modern yang menggunakan konsep airport city. Masih banyak kegiatan lain yang bisa dilakukan saat berkunjung ke Yogyakarta. Pastikan terlebih dahulu Anda telah menyusun itinerary yang detail dan tepat supaya acara piknik ke Yogyakarta lebih menyenangkan dan lancar.
IMG leads the pack when it comes to offering plans for adventurers. Specifically designed for trips to remote or exotic locations, the iTravelInsured LX plan offers coverage for adventure or extreme” sports and activities as well as $10K of coverage for search and rescue. Adventurous but naturally hazardous activities such as rock climbing or scuba diving can put you at risk of an expensive injury or getting stranded. We like that IMG offers a plan that can give adventurers peace of mind.
Berkunjung ke tempat-tempat yang bernuansa religi juga bisa jadi aktivitas menarik di Surabaya. Tidak hanya bagi pelancong yang beragama muslim, tapi juga penganut agama lain. Di kota ini, terdapat beberapa destinasi wisata religi yang dapat dikunjungi, di antaranya adalah Makam dan Masjid Sunan Ampel, Masjid Cheng Ho, Patung Budha Empat Wajah, Kelenteng Sanggar Agung, ataupun Gereja Katolik Kelahiran Santa Perawan Maria.
We’ve negotiated exclusive policies at direct-to-consumer rates from some of the largest and most reputable companies in the travel insurance business. These are the very same insurance companies that are behind the brands you buy from your travel agent or other consolidator sites. By eliminating the middlemen in the channel, we pass the substantial savings on to you. By buying trip insurance direct, you save an average of 40% or more on similar or better coverage.
This is one time when the fine print actually benefits you, says Jason Steele , a credit card and travel journalist. Some cards have little-known perks, including a free Priority Pass membership that gives you access to hundreds of airport lounges around the world (read the fine print to see if you can bring a free guest or two); fee waivers for traveler memberships, like AAA; car rental insurance; and compensation for hotels and incidentals during travel delays.