Not only fun, vacation can also be a stress reliever for anyone who is bored with the routine that is lived every day. Vacations are also not mandatory to generate a lot of pay. Because you can also enjoy an exciting vacation with more savings and cheap you know!
Well, here are 5 cheap, cheap, and fun vacation ideas that you can try Beauties. Follow come on!

Vacation to the Beach
Yup! Who doesn’t like a vacation to the seaside. Almost everyone, both young and old, loves the beautiful and calming seaside atmosphere. Feeling the waves, playing in the sand, and enjoying the sunset will make you feel more positive and cheerful, Beauties!
Not only that, the seaside can also be a cheap and economical vacation spot for you. You don’t have to pay a lot of money and you can even bring your own food from home to enjoy with your family. Generally, by the sea, you don’t need a ticket to enter, aka free!
Visiting the Night Market
Another cheap vacation alternative that you can try is the night market, Beauties! The presence of the night market is indeed an attraction in itself, so it is not surprising that it is always crowded with people.
At the night market, there are a variety of delicious culinary delights, various games and rides, household items, to some interesting fashion items. Of course, you don’t need to spend a lot of money, because at the night market the prices offered are quite affordable.
Picnic to the City Courtyard
A picnic to the city page can also be a cheap and cheap holiday inspiration for you, you know! You can invite your family or friends to have a picnic together. Bring a seat mat, favorite food and drink, games, and so on.
If you want to enjoy your own time, you can bring a novel, listen to music while enjoying the beautiful atmosphere of the city and the people passing by.
Searching for Novels in Bookstores
It could be that some people think that going to a novel store is a boring activity. However, not for someone who loves novels.
Well, for those of you who have a hobby of reading, you can also fill your vacation by visiting a novel shop. Not only is it more useful because it increases knowledge, vacations to novel shops are also cheaper.
Enjoying the Atmosphere of Rice Fields
For those of you who are currently bored with daily routines, coupled with thinning finances, so there is no need to be afraid. Because you can also choose a vacation in a quiet and cheap place, Beauties!
You can choose to enjoy a vacation in the rice fields near where you live. Taking a walk while enjoying the green expanse of rice fields can refresh your mind and make you more relaxed.