Camping is an entertainment activity that is usually the most eagerly awaited by some people when the holidays have arrived. Because camping or what is commonly called camping is a relaxing and simple golden opportunity entertainment activity. Like other activities, in camping we also have to prepare equipment and equipment that must be carried.

Camping will be very fun if we prepare all the equipment ourselves without the need for help from others. Feeling happy, happy, afraid to get mixed up when doing packing. Different story again if we use the services of a travel agent who has prepared complete equipment.
Besides being fun, preparing your own camping gear will also be cheaper.
Some mandatory equipment that is brought while camping is:
- Drinking water
- Jacket
- Umbrellas
- Mobile
- Purse
The following camping equipment is commonly taken and can be used as a guide for beginners.
1. Positive attitude and calm heart
Are you sure to go to camp? Bring ourselves personally with a happy, positive attitude and calm heart because there we will never know what will be found.
2. Camping Beds
It is like an obligation for all of us to prepare beds for camping. The bed does not have to be shaped like a mattress, the room is complete with a cupboard and others. We can prepare large or small tents, adapted to the number of people who come camping. Even so, if you are a person who cannot sleep without using pillows and blankets, bring these tools.